Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is a homeowner's association?
A: It is a non-profit corporation registered with the State and managed by a duly elected Board of Directors. Its purpose is to maintain all common areas and to govern the community in accordance with the provision of the legal documents: CC&Rs, Bylaws, and Articles of Incorporation. The corporation is financially supported by all members of the homeowners association. Membership is both automatic and mandatory.
Q: What are the CC&Rs or Covenants?
A: The Covenants are the governing legal documents that set up the guidelines for the operation of the planned community as a non-profit corporation. Failure to abide by the covenants may result in a fine to a homeowner by the Association. The governing legal documents for the association may be viewed online at the Covenants page.
Q: What are the Bylaws?
A: The Bylaws are the guidelines for the operation of the non-profit corporation. The Bylaws define the duties of the various offices of the Board of Directors, the terms of the Directors, the membership's voting rights, required meetings and notices of meetings, and the principal office of the Association, as well as other specific items that are necessary to run the Association as a business. The Bylaws for the association may be viewed online at the Covenants page.
Q: What is the Board of Directors?
A: The Homeowner's Association again is a corporation and therefore a governing body that is required to oversee its business. The Board of Directors is elected by the homeowners, or as otherwise specified in the bylaws.
Q: What is a Full Member?
A: Full Member lives in the neighborhood and has use of the pool and tennis courts and their dues
maintain those facilities as well as helping maintain the common use areas available to all members.
This membership is attached to the property deed and transfers when a home is sold.
Q: What is a Social Member?
A: Social members live in the neighborhood and pay a membership fee that helps maintain the common use areas of the neighborhood as well as costs that all residents share. (Ex. entrance landscaping, insurance, etc.) This membership is attached to the property deed. When a home is sold the social membership automatically moves to a Full Membership with no upgrade fees. The new owner is a Full Member with Full Member dues responsibility.
Q: What is an Annual (Non-Resident)Member?
A. We sell swim/tennis memberships to families not living in the neighborhood on a yearly basis that allows use of the facilities. This membership also provides reduced fees for ALTA Team participation and Swim Team participation. The number of annual memberships is limited.
Q: Is the swim team/tennis league open to people who don't live in the community?
A: Yes, non members may participate in these activities with fees that apply.
Q. When and where are the annual HOA meetings?
A: The annual meeting is normally held in late January at the Lilburn Police Department. Notice of the details is posted on this website as well as at the neighborhood entrance.
Q. Do I need to volunteer for community events? How do I find out more?
A: We welcome participation by all members for events. Look for notices on this site and respond accordingly. If you have a specific issue, contact any of the board members.
Q. What day is trash collection? How do I get the Lilburn chipper service to my house?
A: Waste Management comes to the WOP on Thursday mornings for trash and recycling pickup. More details are on their webpage.
A: It is a non-profit corporation registered with the State and managed by a duly elected Board of Directors. Its purpose is to maintain all common areas and to govern the community in accordance with the provision of the legal documents: CC&Rs, Bylaws, and Articles of Incorporation. The corporation is financially supported by all members of the homeowners association. Membership is both automatic and mandatory.
Q: What are the CC&Rs or Covenants?
A: The Covenants are the governing legal documents that set up the guidelines for the operation of the planned community as a non-profit corporation. Failure to abide by the covenants may result in a fine to a homeowner by the Association. The governing legal documents for the association may be viewed online at the Covenants page.
Q: What are the Bylaws?
A: The Bylaws are the guidelines for the operation of the non-profit corporation. The Bylaws define the duties of the various offices of the Board of Directors, the terms of the Directors, the membership's voting rights, required meetings and notices of meetings, and the principal office of the Association, as well as other specific items that are necessary to run the Association as a business. The Bylaws for the association may be viewed online at the Covenants page.
Q: What is the Board of Directors?
A: The Homeowner's Association again is a corporation and therefore a governing body that is required to oversee its business. The Board of Directors is elected by the homeowners, or as otherwise specified in the bylaws.
Q: What is a Full Member?
A: Full Member lives in the neighborhood and has use of the pool and tennis courts and their dues
maintain those facilities as well as helping maintain the common use areas available to all members.
This membership is attached to the property deed and transfers when a home is sold.
Q: What is a Social Member?
A: Social members live in the neighborhood and pay a membership fee that helps maintain the common use areas of the neighborhood as well as costs that all residents share. (Ex. entrance landscaping, insurance, etc.) This membership is attached to the property deed. When a home is sold the social membership automatically moves to a Full Membership with no upgrade fees. The new owner is a Full Member with Full Member dues responsibility.
Q: What is an Annual (Non-Resident)Member?
A. We sell swim/tennis memberships to families not living in the neighborhood on a yearly basis that allows use of the facilities. This membership also provides reduced fees for ALTA Team participation and Swim Team participation. The number of annual memberships is limited.
Q: Is the swim team/tennis league open to people who don't live in the community?
A: Yes, non members may participate in these activities with fees that apply.
Q. When and where are the annual HOA meetings?
A: The annual meeting is normally held in late January at the Lilburn Police Department. Notice of the details is posted on this website as well as at the neighborhood entrance.
Q. Do I need to volunteer for community events? How do I find out more?
A: We welcome participation by all members for events. Look for notices on this site and respond accordingly. If you have a specific issue, contact any of the board members.
Q. What day is trash collection? How do I get the Lilburn chipper service to my house?
A: Waste Management comes to the WOP on Thursday mornings for trash and recycling pickup. More details are on their webpage.